Welcome to the Shoe Museum in Lausanne

5,000 years of shoe history to see and to touch

The collection presents reconstructions of shoes and other leather accessories documented exclusively by archaeological discoveries. Each object is the result of research done on original fragments recovered through archeology. Since 1993, this didactical collection grows at the same time as the new developments in research.

Rue du Rôtillon 10 – Lausanne – T.: 021 312 06 77


A museum unlike many others…

…in a street shop, visible around the clock.

…where you are allowed to handle the artefacts.

… where you have your own personal guided tour.

… willing to travel to events or private showings.

… leading the field of archeological leather research.

… putting theory into practice, reviving ancient crafts.

Our renovation project “peau neuve 2014“

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Gentle Craft

Centre for Calceology and ancient Leather, the museum’s scientific branche, since 1993


Association du Musée de la Chaussure (AdMC)

The Museum’s support Organisation